

The 马萨诸塞州历史学会 primarily collects manuscripts—the letters, diaries, 以及其他个人和家庭的个人文件. The Society holds many famous documents such as Paul Revere's own account of his famous ride and manuscript copies of the Declaration of Independence by both Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. However, the true strength of the collection lies in how millions of pages of documents weave together as primary sources for the study of American history.

除了手稿, 这个协会收藏了大量的书籍, pamphlets, maps, newspapers, 和照片, as well as works of art and historical artifacts that support research in the library collections.


The Manuscript Collection consists of more than 14 million pages (3,700个不同的收藏)的个人和家庭文件和, 在较小程度上, institutional and early business records that date from the beginning of European settlement to the present. Highlights include manuscript copies of the Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson and John Adams; the diary of Samuel Sewall, a judge at the Salem Witch Trials and an early antislavery advocate; Paul Revere’s account of his famous midnight ride written at the suggestion of Jeremy Belknap in order to preserve a first-hand testimony of the event; poems and letters by Phillis Wheatley, America’s first African American poet; and documents related to the Massachusetts 54th Volunteer Infantry Regiment, the first African American regiment raised in the North during the Civil War. 协会举办日记, records, and letters that document the lives of those who served in the French and Indian, Revolutionary, 和内战.


摄影作品集大约有120张,000幅图像,跨越了摄影技术的发展, 包括数百张达盖尔银版照相法, tintypes, ambrotypes, 玻璃底片, 还有个人和家庭团体的随意画像. More than 2,000 images document the abolitionist movement and the Civil War.


1821年出版的书籍和小册子, including a large number of 17th-century Massachusetts imprints and many early foreign publications, 还有报纸和报纸, 包括早期印记收藏. The collection also includes modern reference materials, biographies, and pamphlets.


he Early Imprint Collection includes many of the first books printed in America, among them Rev. 约翰·艾略特的《利记APP官网手机版》,《利记手机官网》(剑桥, 1663), the first Bible printed in America in any language; and Samuel Sewall’s The Selling of Joseph (Boston, 1700), 第一本在新英格兰印刷的反奴隶制小册子.


该协会拥有超过10个,000 broadsides--single sheets of paper printed on one side that served as the primary tool for public announcements. This is a large and important compilation given the ephemeral nature of their time-specific use. 通常张贴或大声朗读, broadsides constituted official notices of laws and regulations and provided news of battles, deaths, executions, 以及其他时事. Highlights include a notice of Harvard’s commencement exercises in 1643, 宣布反奴隶制集会, and the most important single printed document in American history—one of the few copies of the original printing of the Declaration of Independence.


地图集大约有2张,500 maps and charts that illustrate the history and development of the United States. 收藏的波士顿地图尤其丰富, Massachusetts, and New England and includes the first map printed in Massachusetts. The Samuel C. Clough Collection features manuscript maps and atlas plates prepared by Clough in the early 20th century for a massive, 但未完成, 波士顿的地形历史. Other highlights include the Francis Russell Hart collection of maps of the West Indies and Central America, 还有图表和16个雕刻的印版. W. 德·巴雷斯的《利记手机官网》(1776-1781.)


学会收集的图形大约有4张,000幅肖像版画和图画, 230年剪影, and 2,000张历史事件图片. Notable pieces include Paul Revere’s engraving of the Boston Massacre; the earliest known American woodcut, a 1670 portrait of Richard Mather; and mezzotints of Native American leaders. The collection also includes World War I recruiting and war loan posters.


报纸收藏有300种, ranging from single issues of American and foreign newspapers to extensive runs of early Boston papers. The Society holds the only extant copies of many 18th-century newspapers, 比如《利记手机官网》, which began production in 1704 and was the first newspaper in the colonies published on a weekly basis. 该收藏还包括詹姆斯·富兰克林的《利记APP官网手机版》, 出版于1721年至1727年, 其中包括本杰明·富兰克林第一次出现在印刷品上, 以及完整的《解放者, 威廉·劳埃德·加里森的反奴隶制报纸.


历史文物收藏, 容纳3个以上,000件物品和超过7件,000钱币(硬币), medals, and paper currency) that represent several centuries of American history. A pocket watch that belonged to the Puritan clergyman Cotton Mather, 根据家庭传统, 是被他带到印第安人中间的吗, who, hearing the ticking were frightened and thought he carried the Devil in his pocket.” A late-17th-century chest of drawers later became known as the “the Witch Bureau” when an 1861 description recorded that “from the middle drawer…one of the Witches jumped out who was hung on Gallows Hill, in Salem.” Other highlights include the pen Abraham Lincoln used to sign the Emancipation Proclamation; a windowsill from a Harvard detention house, signed by students confined for bad behavior in the early 19th century; the swords of William Prescott and John Linzee who fought at the Battle of Bunker Hill; George Washington’s epaulettes; and a silver urn made by Paul Revere in the neoclassical style he adopted toward the end of the American Revolution.

Works of Art

MHS艺术收藏包括380幅肖像画, 67 .城市和风景, 165幅微型肖像, 还有52座雕塑. 自1796年以来,MHS获得了第一幅画, a portrait of colonial governor Thomas Hutchinson—the Society's Art Collection has served as a vital complement to its exceptional archive of American history. 与绘画, sculpture, prints, 还有著名和不知名艺术家的画作, the works of art at the Society reveal striking observations about life in another period, 捕捉塑造美国历史的人物, 并描绘了非洲大陆的纪念碑和自然景观, 包括许多几个世纪前就消失了的. 我们收藏了一些早期美国最著名画家的作品, 其中包括约翰·辛格尔顿·科普利, Edward Savage, John Smibert, Gilbert Stuart, 伊丽莎之一, 约翰·特朗布尔. Cityscapes and landscapes form a small but important subset of the collection and include two original views of Brook Farm by Josiah Wolcott, 1845年至1845年. 1846.

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